November 10, 2006

stubborn me

Posted in Inspirational, Journaling at 12:25 am by dearGOD

As you all know I went to the doctor yesterday and as I said I finally found a doctor who didn’t try to sweeten the bitter cup of tea that life has served me when trying to help me get through to my mother with my future reality. Well, I am glad that he was straight with her, though it does bother me that it was so obvious that again I knew more than the professional when it comes to FA and he told her exactly what I have been telling her for the past ten years and she wouldn’t hear me. That’s a load of bull. But my reaction to hearing what I already knew shocks me. People who have known me for a while might remember that stubborn girl who refused to be another statistic and refused to let this disease bring her down and control her life. That girl who when she was told what is wrong with her fought with everything in her to not let something as small as a mere DNA factor tell her she couldn’t do something that she was going to do regardless. That girl who refused to let herself get worse and for a few years her determination paid off big time. That girl who used to be me. That girl died years ago though and gave up to accepting her someday unhappy ending. Or so I thought. Yesterday when I was sitting there hearing what I already knew be verbally confirmed, that part of me seemed to come out from hiding and I found myself sitting there thinking that’s what he thinks and I’m going to prove them wrong. Wow, I didn’t think I’d ever have that determination again. So with GOD’s help, that stubborn girl is coming back to life. Another thing bothered me yesterday, that doctor completely dismissed the idea of GOD keeping me relatively unprogressed for the past four to five years. Well he’ll see and he’ll have no choice other than to know that GOD almighty is the one keeping me and standing by me. Thank you, FATHER!

Everyone keep Christian in your prayers. He’s sick. 😦

Goodnight Christian and Wally. I love y’all!

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