November 12, 2006

not alone

Posted in Inspirational, Journaling at 1:22 am by dearGOD

A lady in a group for marriage restoration wrote this today. Reading what she had written make me think wow, there are actually others out there struggling with the same stuff that I am. Her circumstances might be different than mine, everyone has their own circumstances, but it helps to know that I’m not alone in this struggle. There is one thing that all of us standing for our marriages do have in common though, and that is satan. He wants us all to give up and let him win. We are all in a battle with the devil himself. It’s good to know that we are all fighting him together, and it is even better to know that GOD is in front of us every step of the way. Thank you LORD for being with me and fighting these battles for me, for us. We are in the battle but LORD you are there in front of us fighting and guiding our steps. FATHER keep us all and don’t let us forget that YOU are the one who is winning our battles for us.

Here’s what she wrote:

As I was laying in bed last night not being able to fall asleep even though I was exhausted, I kept praying for the Lord to tell me what to do now, how do proceed ahead, what did He want me to accomplish, etc.As I was laying there, I kept thinking that I was so ready to give up,be done with it, throw it away. Why do I want to continue to be with someone who doesn’t love me, doesn’t want to be with me, isn’t going to
move forward in life with me, etc.? I mean, what’s the point?

But then I thought – do I really want to let the enemy win? Do I want to turn against what the Lord has called me to do. Do I really want to disappoint the Lord? He has put His trust in me. Do I want to lose that? The answer was NO!!!! I love my husband with all of my heart and I want to spend my life with him. So I need to put the same trust in the Lord that He has for me.

Goodnight Christian and Wally. I love y’all!